Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions answered by our Bennett Fertilisers experts. Do you have a question? Get in touch with us at

How long should I leave my pastures before grazing after fertiliser application?

The NZ fertiliser industry standard recommends a stand-down period of 21 days after fertiliser application. After that grazing can resume as per normal.

This is to:

  • allow pasture regrowth in response to fertilisation
  • allow manure to be absorbed into the soil 
  • reduce palatability problems due to litter and components 
Can Bennetts carry out an independent soil test on my farm?

Yes. Our sales manager will come out to your farm, extract samples and send them off to an independent laboratory.

Can Bennetts supply all year round?

Yes. However early bookings are given priority in peak season.

What are the application rates?

Cropping: 5Ⓣ to H/A, Pasture: 2.5Ⓣ to H/A.

Do I need to apply lime as well as Bennett Chicken Fertiliser?

No. Bennett Fertiliser will lift soil pH naturally when applied as instructed. However if a soil is particularly acidic (a pH balance below 5.7) extra lime will be beneficial.

Will I need any additional fertilisers while using Bennett Fertiliser?

Bennett Fertilisers Chicken Fertiliser is a well-rounded product and will provide the maintenance required for optimum production. However, if your soil has a particular deficiency, we can conduct a soil test which will confirm whether additional nutrients are required.

How does Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium aid plant growth?

Nitrogen is used by the plant to produce leafy growth and formation of stems and branches.

Phosphorus is essential for seed germination and root development. It is needed particularly by young plants forming their root systems.

Potassium promotes flower and fruit production and is vital for maintaining growth and helping plants resist diseases.

What does NPK mean?

NPK are the periodic symbols for the elements Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Most compound fertilisers will contain these three nutrients essential for plant growth.

How do I apply chicken manure fertiliser?

Important points for applying chicken litter effectively:

  • use a calibrated broadcasting spreader
  • spread evenly onto a recently grazed or harvested pasture (5 cm to 10 cm long stubble) to help hold the litter in place and reduce washing away.
  • application should coincide with the main growing season of the pasture to maximise nutrient utilisation
  • the litter requires rain or irrigation to wash it into the soil
  • spreading may be followed by cultivation where possible to reduce odors and losses of N into the air.
How long should I leave my pastures?

To optimise benefits, pastures should be grazed at a height of 15 to 20 cm and before there is any following or death of shaded lower leaves. Rotational grazing is often required for best growth and use of intensive pastures.